2023 Sheep, Camelid and Goat Veterinarians Conference
Conference theme: Putting science into practice
Call for abstracts
Abstract submissions have opened for the 2023 Sheep, Camelid and Goat Veterinarians (SCGV) Conference on 23-25 August 2023, to be held in Bendigo, VIC.
The President of the SCGV encourages all members to share their expertise and learnings by attending the conference as a speaker. Now is your opportunity to broaden your veterinary experiences and gain CPD points while engaging in discussion with colleagues. Veterinary postgraduate students are encouraged to submit an abstract describing their current research projects. Some possible topics could include management of internal and external parasites, goat medicine and production, on-farm biosecurity practices, sheep reproduction, however abstracts are welcome on all aspects of sheep, camelid and goat production.
To present at next year’s SCGV conference, members are encouraged to submit an abstract for a paper which may subsequently be selected for presentation at the conference.
Please look over the Guidelines for abstract preparation before submission.
The abstract should be submitted to scgv@ava.com.au before the deadline of midnight Friday 16 December 2022.
Each member may submit a maximum of 2 abstracts and these will be reviewed by a scientific subcommittee. Instructions for the paper and presentations will be included in the notification of acceptance.
Conditions of acceptance
- Authors should ensure that the abstracts are written to an acceptable standard of English.
- Please note that the submission must be done by the person who will present the paper and will be shown as first author.
- Please note that errors in the text will not be corrected; the content and literary standard of submitted abstracts is under the author’s responsibility.
- All abstracts will initially be reviewed; and accepted or rejected by the subcommittee.
- Notification of acceptance will be sent by Friday 3 February 2023.