AVA Employer of Choice® (EOC)

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Developing leading veterinary workplaces that maximise the full potential of their workforce through practices that demonstrate effective employee recruitment, engagement and retention.


The profession’s contribution to the Australian Veterinary Workforce Survey 2018/2019 confirmed that recruitment and retention are really significant issues that are impacting practices across the country, and that practices require support and guidance to assist with improving their HR processes. As a result, the AVA Employer of Choice (EOC) Program was developed, ensuring veterinary professionals can have peace of mind that their workplace is aligned to quality standards, and for practices to maximise the full potential of their workforce by demonstrating effective employee recruitment, engagement and retention.


AVA EOC comprises the AVA EOC Program and AVA EOC Accreditation.

The AVA EOC Program is available to AVA members as part of AVA’s member benefits, and registration can be achieved via the Register Now button on this page or the Education and Events Calendar. The AVA EOC Program consists of a manager survey and employee survey, a flexible and interactive online learning module, plus many resources and templates. The online learning module features 30 best-practice employee recruitment, engagement and retention strategies. The strategies include case studies of what to do and what not to do, exercises and activities, ‘to do’ lists and optional reflective questions.

AVA EOC Accreditation is designed to complement the AVA EOC Program and celebrates practices that meet the high workplace standards set out by the program. It is a recognised and independent external audit, to assess and improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of staffing strategies in veterinary practice. For those practices wishing to take the next step and become AVA Employer of Choice (EOC) Accredited, your practice will reap the rewards for a 4-year accreditation period. Whilst the greatest benefit of being accredited is best-practice HR, and effective recruitment, engagement and retention strategies, your practice will also be publicly recognised for your accomplishment. AVA EOC Accreditation can highlight the strengths of your practice and set you apart from other employers in the profession. To ensure your practice is ready for AVA EOC Accreditation, please visit the FAQs for more information about the process, eligibility criteria and costs.

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AVA EOC Process

  • Step 1 - Register and gain access to the online AVA EOC Program
  • Step 2 - Conduct the employee and manager survey
  • Step 3 - Complete the strategies that the surveys identified as being the highest priority for your practice
  • Step 4 - Implement the strategies and use the AVA EOC Program Workbook to complete the tasks and ‘to do’ items
  • Step 5 - Initiate the AVA EOC Accreditation process by completing the pre-application checklist
  • Step 6 - As an AVA EOC Accredited practice, commence the AVA EOC Reaccreditation process 6 months before your 4-year accreditation expiry

Further information

For more information about the AVA EOC Program and the AVA EOC Accreditation, please refer to the FAQs or contact AVA Member Services.

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