
We support you in meeting your continuing professional development needs throughout your career.


What is VetEd?

VetEd supports the continuing professional development (CPD) of AVA members by providing guidance on maintaining up-to-date professional standards and a means of recording your learning.

The AVA understands CPD as the education of veterinarians following completion of their formal training. It consists of any educational activity relevant to the scope of the veterinary profession, which helps to maintain, develop or increase knowledge, problem-solving or technical skills.

Most state registration boards require minimum levels of CPD activity to retain registration. Please confirm your state’s requirements with the individual Board.

VetEd CPD info

How the AVA supports your CPD, undertaking CPD at work and through other activities.

External providers

Important information for external providers wanting to submit their program for approval.

Education & events

Veterinary education and events in Australia from AVA and external providers.