Earn VetEd points with the AVA

The AVA holds over 200 continuing professional development (CPD) events each year. Events range from the AVA’s flagship event, the AVA Annual Conference, to evening seminars held at a branch level. 

AVA Annual Conference

The AVA Annual Conference is run over five days, including four days of lectures in eight concurrent streams and a day of practical workshops and field trips.

Special interest group events

Most of the AVA’s special interest groups contribute to the integrated CPD program that caters to veterinarians in all areas of private practice, as well as to those in industry, universities and government departments. Many of the AVA special interest groups also hold stand-alone conferences each year.

Australian Small Animal Veterinarians Annual Conference

A five-day event, held in August each year, it is the premier Australian conference for companion animal practitioners. Each year the conference brings the latest in canine and feline medicine, surgery, diagnostics, imaging and therapeutics.

Bain-Fallon Memorial Lectures (Equine Veterinarians Australia)

Presented by Equine Veterinarians Australia annually in July. The series of lectures is given over five days by international speakers, and covers a wide range of equine topics in both medicine and surgery. The lectures are an important continuing professional development resource for equine veterinarians in the Southern Hemisphere.

Australian Cattle Veterinarians Annual Conference

A four-day event, held each year, the Annual Conference is in addition to numerous Australian Cattle Veterinarians group continuing professional development workshops throughout the year.

Veterinary Business Group Summit

The Veterinary Business Group Summit aims to improve the standard of veterinary practice management, and to increase awareness of management issues and standards.

Division/branch conferences and activities

Most state and territory divisions hold annual weekend conferences. Local AVA branches hold CPD events throughout the year, including evening seminars, monthly journal club meetings and one or two day events. 

Education & Events

Professional development opportunities & networking events.