Earn VetEd points with publications
The AVA delivers continuing professional development (CPD) through veterinary journals, conference proceedings and special interest group newsletters and publications, which are made available in the AVA Library. Members can earn VetEd points by undertaking private reading of these and other recognised publications.
Australian Veterinary Journal
The Australian Veterinary Journal (AVJ) is Australia’s premier veterinary science text, distributed monthly to thousands of Australian and international subscribers, including universities, researchers and government advisers.
Australian Veterinary Practioner
The Australian Veterinary Practitioner is the quarterly journal of the Australian Small Animal Veterinarians Group. It publishes refereed scientific papers, case reports and other material of relevance to companion animal practitioners.
Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian is the quarterly journal of the Australian Cattle Veterinarians, a special interest group of the AVA. It covers a range of news and issues and publishes scientific articles of relevance to veterinarians that work with cattle.
Australian Equine Veterinarian
The Australian Equine Veterinarian is the quarterly peer reviewed scientific journal of Equine Veterinarians Australia, a special interest group of the AVA. It includes clinical papers, case reports and other articles of relevance to equine practitioners.
Conference proceedings
Proceedings from AVA Annual Conferences since 2006 and special interest group conferences are available for all members to access.