Earn VetEd points at work

You can continue your professional development through less formal methods of learning. We suggest keeping a CPD diary to formalise self-validating CPD, to use as evidence of your activities for registration purposes.

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Small group learning and clinical rounds

Small group learning activities are any documented discussions between professional colleagues where the participants further their professional knowledge. Discussions could be about formal case presentations, clinical or surgical rounds or writing journal articles. Meetings where colleagues share what they have learnt from relevant conferences, courses, seminars or workshops are also seen as small group learning activities.

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Professional development plan

Earn Vet Ed points by creating a professional development plan, with our step by step online tool to help you set your professional goals and document the development activities you would like to take over the next year.

The plan should include which areas you will focus on to improve your knowledge and experience, and how the proposed activities would further your career and professional development.

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Clinical review project

Research and clinical audit activities, if documented correctly, are recognised as adding to professional development. A clinical review project may involve identifying a clinical condition that occurs in your practice, searching practice records for retrospective cases of the condition, assessing and documenting patient histories, physical and clinical examinations, diagnostic methods, treatments and outcomes, and assessing against recommended best practice. How the research will change future approaches to the condition and what has been learned contribute to the points earned. A prospective case study may also be undertaken.

You can claim up to 10 Vet Ed points for a Clinical review project.

Documented research and clinical audit activities are a recognised form of professional development. A clinical review project could involve:

  • identifying a clinical condition that you see in your practice
  • searching practice records for retrospective cases of the condition
  • assessing and documenting patient histories
  • clinical examinations
  • diagnostic methods, treatments and outcomes
  • assessing outcomes against recommended best practice.

How the research will change future approaches to the condition and what has been learned contribute to the points earned. A prospective case study may also be undertaken. Outstanding submitted reviews will be considered for publication in the VetEd section of the Australian Veterinary Journal, which can earn additional VetEd points.

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AVA Graduate Mentoring Program

Mentoring provides a structured and trusting relationship by bringing less experienced veterinarians together with more experienced members of the profession, who can offer guidance, support and encouragement. Mentoring relationships can be formal or informal depending on the needs and wants of the mentor and mentee.

The AVA Graduate Mentoring Program is a structured 12 month commitment between an established professional and someone who is new to the veterinary profession.

Mentors and mentees can earn unstructured VetEd points. For more information about how the points are allocated, see the VetEd points table.

Mentors and mentees can earn structured VetEd points when undertaking formal training through the AVA Graduate Mentoring Program.

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Education & Events

Professional development opportunities & networking events.