Mental health first aid course
Thank you for supporting our MHFA online courses.
Working in the veterinary industry can be rewarding but it can also be challenging and stressful at times. This accredited course will increase your knowledge and confidence in helping loved ones, clients and colleagues with mental health challenges.
What is Mental Health First Aid?
Mental health first aid is the help provided to a person who is developing a mental health problem, or who is experiencing a mental health crisis. Like physical first aid, mental health first aid is given until the person receives professional help or until the crisis resolves.
What’s covered in the course?
Explore mental health problems such as depression, anxiety problems, psychosis and substance misuse problems. Participants will then learn the practical, evidence-based communication techniques to reach out to those in need. Take-home resources include a 140 page manual, information sheets and facts sheets will also be provided.
The course has been developed by Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Australia and is delivered by Andrew Thompson from Crampton Consulting.
If you would like to book in for this training visit our upcoming events, or contact us if you have any questions or wish to sponsor this AVA initiative.
What have our participants said?
"This course is highly valuable and a great tool in the vet profession. I would like to see every vet clinic in Australia with a MHFA certificate holder within and have this recognised in the award as a legislated qualification".
Sam Morton, Greencross
"I am very glad I participated in this course. Not just for personal growth, but to take the practical skills back to my practice".
Tracey Woods, Morley Vet Clinic
"A wonderful initiative. Should be blanketed across all industries. We cannot press forward fast enough with this training. It will save lives".
Ashley Ruttle, Tamborine Mountain Veterinary Surgery