AVA engages with stakeholders

09 Aug 2022

Dr Bronwyn Orr and Dr Cristy Secombe have had a busy couple of days in Canberra advocating on behalf of the veterinary profession. They met with a number of senior members of the Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries, National Farmers Federation, Animal Health Australia, Animal Medicines Australia and some parliamentarians.  A range of topics were discussed including; 

  • Emergency animal disease (EAD) response - veterinary sector involvement and biosurveillance 
  • The pathway that leads to a reduction in veterinary knowledge and services in the community (see attached PDF) and interventions required to reverse this, with a particular focus on issues being faced regionally. 
  • Onehealth framework and Labor’s commitment to an Australian CDC 

We received useful guidance on how to progress solutions. As we have many commonalities with other membership organisations, there were a number of identified opportunities for shared advocacy to minimise further erosion of veterinary knowledge and services regionally. This is particularly pertinent at a time of increased attention being focussed on EAD threats to Australia. 


Image (L- R): Dr Chris Parker (DAFF) and Dr Bronwyn Orr 

Image (L- R): Mr Tony Mahar (CEO NFF), Dr Bronwyn Orr and Ms Fiona Simpson (President NFF), 

Image: Dr Bronwyn Orr, Senator Mehreen Faruqi and Dr Cristy Secombe