National advocacy plan approved by the AVA Board
09 Feb 2023
The national advocacy plan for 2023 was approved by the AVA Board at the December meeting. The plan was developed by the AVA Veterinary and Public Affairs Team, with advice from the AVA Advocacy Advisory Committee and input from the Advocacy Forum.
The plan consists of several parts. Firstly, it sets out the overarching framework for the wellbeing and sustainability issues facing the veterinary profession:
- the problem: an historic and ongoing pathway to a reduction in veterinary services and knowledge
- the solution: intervention points to break the pathway to a reduction in veterinary services and knowledge
This framework recognises that we achieve change in this by increasing veterinary influence in animal industries and government and demonstrating value and evidence to external stakeholders.
The plan then sets out a series of projects aimed at addressing this, and actions to be taken in 2023 to progress these projects.
Finally, the plan sets out the organisation's approach to reactive advocacy and key stakeholder engagement.