June 2024 issue of Australian Veterinary Practitioner (AVP) is out now!
28 Jun 2024
The Australian Veterinary Practitioner (AVP) is the official journal of the Australian Small Animal Veterinarians (ASAV) and is distributed to members and subscribers. Annual ASAV membership is available for $362 ($181 concession).
Message from the Editor
This edition of the Australian Veterinary Practitioner is the second for the year and includes 3 interesting papers as well as a review of open or free access journal articles that may be of relevance to those in clinical practice.
The hyperlinks for these papers are included in the review, and readers are encouraged to look further into the studies that may interest them.
Starting the original papers is a consensus statement developed by the anaesthesia and analgesia chapter of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists. The review follows on from previous work this group has done trying to standardise anaesthesia protocols for small animal patients in Australia. This paper focuses on anaesthetic monitoring, including the minimum number of personnel, method of training and common parameters required to monitor safely. This is a useful article for veterinary clinics to refer to when upskilling and maintaining appropriate anaesthesia protocols.
This is followed by two papers, the first focusing on an unusual cardiac arrhythmia identified in a dog and the appropriate management of this. The third paper is focused on the greyhound, and focuses on thermoregulation. As well as being incredibly relevant for those practitioners who work with greyhounds, some of the principles discussed may be useful for managing heat stress and strike in other breeds.
Happy reading, and as always feedback and suggestions to improve this journal are welcome.
Best wishes,
Caroline Mansfield, Editor AVP