Cyclone Alfred Funding Arrangements and Supports for NSW Veterinarians

06 Mar 2025

Veterinarians on the NSW Mid North Coast and Northern Rivers are being urged to prepare now for the potential impacts of Tropical Cyclone Alfred and assist the NSW Government response to disaster impacted owned animals. A range of supports are available for veterinarians to assist prepare, respond, and recover from Tropical Cyclone Alfred. These include guidance information and the government arrangements for the engagement and funding of veterinary services to disaster impacted owned animals (livestock, companion animals, equine, etc).

1800 814 647 - Animal and Agriculture Emergency Hotline:

1800 814 647 is the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) Agricultural & Animal Services Functional Area (AASFA) emergency hotline number to request assistance with:

  • Animal assessment and veterinary assistance;
  • Stock euthanasia and burial;
  • Emergency fodder (up to 3 days supply);
  • Emergency stock water;
  • Livestock feeding and management advice;
  • Care of animals in evacuation centres.

Members of the community and veterinarians should call the emergency hotline number if they come across stranded, lost, injured or dead livestock, so that AASFA can arrange to attend to these animals.

DPIRD - AASFA Engagement and Funding Veterinary Assistance to Disaster Impacted Animals: 

DPIRD - AASFA will be providing funding to private veterinarians via issuing Task Request Numbers to facilitate emergency animal assessment and treatment for a condition that is as a direct result of the disaster event.

Private veterinarians can provide “emergency animal treatment for a condition that is as a result of the flood event” without seeking prior approval. This will be done by DPIRD - AASFA issuing initial Finance Request (authority to spend the agreed value) approvals for each practice to the total value of $10,000. If you haven’t been provided with a Finance Request please email Please note,  the initial $10,000 Finance Request amount is not an upper limit for each practice’s spending.  If the cost of eligible cases exceeds this amount, additional Finance Requests can be generated.

Is the treatment eligible?

  • “emergency treatment”: includes initial consult and treatment to address the immediate welfare and veterinary needs of the animal.  Does not include subsequent consults and treatment. 

Note: Where different animals present with separate conditions at different times, each consult is regarded as initial.  e.g. A single owner has a horse that presents with a laceration sustained while escaping flood waters, then several days later reports lameness in cattle as a result of standing in floodwaters.  Both consults and treatments are eligible for payment.

  • “as a result of the flood event”:  includes conditions directly arising from:
    • exposure to floodwaters,
    • trauma from escaping floodwaters
    • the immediate evacuation process
    • exposure to prolonged rain
    • exposure to wet/muddy ground
    • where it is clear that stress from the flood event is a precipitating cause.

The DPIRD – AASFA Guide for Interpreting eligibility for NSW Government payment of flood related treatments by Private Veterinarians is available here.

AVA Liaison Officer to AASFA: 

The AVA has appointed an AVA Liaison Officer to AASFA to support communication between veterinarians and AASFA for:

  • distribution of information to veterinarians, and
  • a pathway for veterinarians to inform AASFA on emerging issues.

Veterinarians are encouraged to contact the AVA Liaison Officer if you have any concerns, comments or are seeking support regarding the disaster response/recovery activities. Please contact Liz Gemes, AVA Senior Advocacy Officer at 0481 373 330 or

Natural Disaster Resources for Veterinarians: 

Please note:

  • RSPCA volunteers being coordinated with AASFA staff to support evacuation centres and animals received there.
  • The NSW Government arrangements for disaster response for wildlife is outlined in the NSW Wildlife in Emergencies Sub Plan The Taronga Conservation Society Australia (Taronga Western Plains Zoos) supports NSW Government to manage the impact of emergencies affecting wildlife through scientific knowledge and capacity building; provision of resources and personnel and recovery expertise. Provide access to vets, accommodation, care, recovery and euthanasia services.