NT Division President's Report - August 2024

26 Jul 2024

Dear NT Division,

I hope the second half of the year has got off to a good start for everyone!

A few points to consider for August:

- The NT AVA committee is after new members. If you or anyone you know has an interest in policy advocacy or getting more involved with bettering the profession, get in contact. You’ll be surprised at how painless it really is! 

- The President’s Reception will be on Saturday 14 September this year. It promises to be a fun night for us all to catch up. Keep a look out for a flyer and put it in your calendars.

- Planning has already begun for the NT AVA conference 2025. If you have suggestions or ideas please let us know. A big thank you to branch members for signing up and helping keep our conference possible.

There’s an amazing team behind the committee and within the AVA trying to make our profession as good as it can be. Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts, seek advice or get involved.

Dr Amy Harding
NT Division President