Subsidised Vet Nurse Training through TAFE 2023
19 May 2023Thank you to everyone who provided valuable information through the AVA NT Qualified Vet Nurse survey that was conducted last year. In follow up to this, we are in communication with organisations who are progressing options for Cert II and Cert IV Vet Nurse training programs to be available for NT nurses in 2023 and beyond.
To assist this, we require the names (or total number) of nurses that you currently employ who would enrol, or are currently enrolled, in Cert II or Cert IV courses. We are hoping for these courses to be made available in the coming months through a TAFE from outside the NT, and for those already enrolled there may be opportunities to transfer across. These programs are proposed to be online, or if require in-person components, these would be conducted in “block sessions”.
The details of these courses, including their format and also being fully subsidised by the NT government, are yet to be confirmed.
In order to progress this, firm numbers of students ready to enrol is required. Providing this information does not guarantee a place for those individuals in any future course, this information is to assist with the courses being made available.
Please provide by 30th June 2023, the name/s or number (and which course - Cert 2 or 4) of the nurse/s employed at your practice who would enrol if these proposed programs became available.
Please indicate if they are currently enrolled in another course and would wish to transfer if these courses became available. Email information to
Thank you for your time and assistance.