Q Vax Shortage Update

06 Feb 2025

There is currently a national shortage of Q Vax, the vaccine used to prevent Q fever. CSL Seqirus has advised that some stock is now available and that this stock will be closely managed, as it has been throughout the shortage.

Preventative Measures

Q fever remains a significant occupational risk, particularly for those working with livestock. While vaccination is the most effective prevention, personal protective measures are essential, especially during this shortage. AVA members are encouraged to advise at-risk individuals to:
✅ Use appropriate PPE (e.g., masks, gloves, and protective clothing).
✅ Follow safe handling practices for animals and contaminated materials.
✅ Maintain good hygiene, including regular handwashing.

Vaccination Advice

Those who would ordinarily be recommended for Q fever vaccination should seek vaccination as soon as stock becomes available.

Further Information

NSW Health provides a range of Q fever resources and fact sheets at:
🔗 NSW Health Q Fever Information

For further queries, please contact: media@health.nsw.gov.au

We appreciate your cooperation in helping to manage this situation and protect those at risk.