Queensland Advocacy Update - August 2022

24 Aug 2022

EAD preparedness and response
The AVA has been maintaining close contact and attending various stakeholder meetings with DAF and BQ.

The AVA has convened an internal EAD working group. This group has been engaging with all levels of government, providing veterinary information and support as requested and providing input into AUSVETPLANs and the National action plan.

Biosecurity Queensland has integrated the employment conditions in the National Guidance document on the engagement of private veterinarians during an EAD response into the relevant Queensland Government templates.

This will ensure that private veterinarians can be engaged efficiently and effectively into an EAD response in Queensland if required. This template package has recently been reviewed and updated.

The Queensland Government has also announced $22 million over five years to boost preparedness for biosecurity emergencies, including foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), lumpy skin disease (LSD), and African swine fever (ASF).

The AVA Emergency Animal Disease site and the associated Lumpy Skin Disease page and Foot and Mouth Disease page contain updates and links to numerous useful resources. These pages will be updated as information comes to hand. We will also continue to keep AVA members informed of our advocacy in this space. Latest updates and resources from DAF, BQ and Dr Mark Schipp (Australia's CVO).

Medicines and Poisons (Medicines) Regulation 2021 (Medicines Regulation) – IVERMECTIN
Authority to deal with oral preparations of ivermectin was established to place prescribing controls on oral preparations of ivermectin when used for non-ARTG indications.
This emergency order ceased on 4 August 2022, however the arrangements stated under the emergency order have been transitioned to the Medicines Regulation.
Further information on the amendments to the Medicines Regulation can be found here.