Queensland Division President's Report - October 2024
27 Sep 2024The Queensland Division would like to welcome two new Key Contacts for the North Queensland and Far North Queensland Branches - Dr Katelyn Shannon (North Queensland) and Dr Laura Seagull (Far North Queensland). We look forward to working with them both in their new roles. We would also like to acknowledge Drs Graham and Brendan for their work in the roles previously.
The AVA is pleased to announce Professor Margaret Reilly has been appointed to the AVA Board, filling a casual vacancy. Prof Reilly has stepped down from the Queensland Division and we would like to congratulate her on the new role and wish her well. Prof Reilly has served in numerous leadership roles, including Division and Branch President, and has been actively involved in key committees including the AVA Advocacy Advisory Committee and AVBC Sustainable Practice Committee.
The Queensland Division has been busy across the state - President Dr Regan Lynch and senior advocacy officer Dr Robyn Whitaker have been meeting with Biosecurity Queensland, University of Queensland, the newly appointed University of Queensland Student representative - Sophie McCallum, and the Queensland Veterinary Surgeons Board.
For the upcoming Queensland State election, the AVA has developed key priority points for the next state government to support and/or address. These include:
- Enhanced biosecurity and funding for emergency animal diseases
- Rural and regional veterinary workforce support
- Support for veterinary students
- Support for the provision of public good by veterinarians
- Mental health support for veterinary professionals
The AVA has forwarded our Queensland AVA election priorities to all political parties, ministers and shadow ministers - but for our voices to be heard we need your support.
How can you help?
- Download and read the AVA QLD Election Priorities.
- Find out who your local candidates are
- Write, email, or call your local candidates
- the more personalised you can make your emails and conversations the better
- pick the issues in the AVA election priorities that resonate most with you
- use stories from your personal experience
- keep an eye out when you are out – often candidates will be out meeting with the public. This is a good opportunity to have your say directly with them.
If you are unsure, or have any questions - please reach out to us - it is only by raising our voices that we will make sure we are heard.
As always I am happy to speak with members on QLD AVA matters, or if you have any feedback or suggestions for us going forward.
Your colleague,
Dr Regan Lynch
QLD Division President
0411 594 532