Read the latest from the Australian Veterinary Journal’s October issue!

03 Oct 2024
AVJ Oct 2024 Cover image.png


Did you know?

  • Over 40% of dogs could be fearful of fireworks and other loud noises?
  • The prevalence of thoracic congenital vertebral malformations in French Bulldogs, British Bulldogs and Pugs presenting for BOAS treatment in one Hospital was 97%, 90% and 77% respectively?
  • Buruli ulcer caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans that causes severe lesions in ringtail possums is zoonotic and notifiable in people (but not animals) in Victoria?
  • Artificial intelligence based surveillance tools such as EPIWATCH can help protect our livestock industries from disease outbreaks (such as lumpy skin disease) from neighbouring countries.

Find out this and more in this month’s Australian Veterinary Journal! (Login and select ‘Latest Issue’, Volume 102, Issue 10, October 2024) which showcases 6 papers across small animals, avian, production animals and wildlife.

There are 30 quiz questions and 3 Vet Ed points available for AVA members via My Learning


The October issue showcases the following articles:

Small Animals

A survey investigating owner perceptions and management of firework-associated fear in dogs in the Greater Sydney area. AS Mann, E Hall, C McGowan, A Quain

Prevalence and classification of congenital thoracic vertebral body abnormalities in neurologically normal brachycephalic ‘screw-tail’ dog breeds in referral practice in Australia. WB Moses, IA Moses, EA Moses, PA Moses

Suspected paraneoplastic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion associated wih gastric adenocarcinoma in a dog. A Thomas, J Finlay, C Sharp

Wildlife & Zoos

Collaborative wildlife disease outbreak investigation and response at Bells Swamp Victoria, February 2023. M McKimmie, HJ Morrow, MC Hawes, A Robins, M Lynch, K Bodley, F Ryan, K Cox-Witton, C Death, P Whiteley

Severe cases of Buruli ulcer (infection with Mycobacterium ulcerans) in common ringtail possums in Victoria adversely affect animal welfare. EC Hobbs, P Loukopoulos, TP Stinear, JL Porter, JYH Lee,  P Whiteley, LF Skerratt, KB Gibney, A Meredith

Production Animals

Using EPIWATCH open-source surveillance to describe the epidemiology of lumpy skin disease outbreaks in South and Southeast Asia (2022-2023). D Hutchinson,  B Li, S Lim, H Stone, CR MacIntyre


Vale Harvey Arthur Westbury BVSc Hons, MVSc, PhD, DVSc (1941-2024). K McColl