SA Division President Update - October 2023

27 Oct 2023

Dr Sarah McGrath, President SA Division

It has been a busy couple of months in the position of president, in which I have enjoyed the responsibility of trying to represent the views of our Division with integrity and great care. 

I spent much time helping with the final stages of the passing of the Veterinary Services Bill and meeting with the registrar and the new presiding member for the Veterinary Surgeons Board of SA, in addition to meeting with the minister, shadow minister, and other MPs involved in the passing of the Bill in the Upper House. I have worked hard to build a rapport with the key stakeholders during this time, which I hope the AVA will continue to do so into the future.

Although I have enjoyed this work very much, I am sorry to say I have come to realise I am not the right fit for this position with the AVA, and this will be my last communication as the South Australian Division President.

Thank you to all of you in the SA Division who have supported me during my short time in this position. 

At this time I am going to put more of my time into our 5 children, however I will always be a loud and proud cheer leader for our profession. I will also continue to encourage membership to AVA so our profession can continue to have a truly representative voice. 

Sarah McGrath