SA Division President's Report - December 2024

03 Dec 2024

As we race towards the end of the year, it is a time to reflect and consider achievements and opportunities as well as recognise where changes can be made for the next year.  I hope that you have had a fulfilling 2024, achieved some goals, made some connections and enjoyed a break with friends or family. 

There have been some wonderful achievements here in SA, with the VSBSA continuing to show us that change is possible and that with good leadership they can be a force for good for our profession. Drs Sean and Sarah McGrath ran two inspiring workshops that educated and brought us together and the state parliament has passed the enquiry into veterinary workforce challenges. This is going to provide excellent opportunities for professional advocacy, as individuals and as part of the AVA and we are looking forward to what 2025 can bring on this front, as well as progression of the regulation detail of the Veterinary Practice Act passed earlier this year.

Congratulations are due to the VNCA for their advocacy around radiation licensing in SA, with it now legal for nurses/technicians to obtain a licence and take radiographs. While it is only a small step, it is one in the right direction and a recognition of the skill and contributions of our support teams.   

I hope that the silly season is not too silly for you in your places of work. I find that as hard as it can be, it is a time to always assume ‘good person bad day’ and provide the benefit of the doubt, take a deep breath and listen. Really understanding the root cause of the problem is so helpful when there are so many competing elements. It is also a great time for presents and to be reminded of the incredible impact we make on people’s lives, absorb and celebrate the sentiments because this is where our joy and impact lie. So, hang in there, grab those days off where you can and we look forward to a great 2025 with the goal to build social connection in our SA profession, helping us each support one another more.   

 Dr Catherine Harper  

AVA SA Division President