SA Division President's Report - February 2025

03 Feb 2025

Welcome to a new year everyone!  The holiday period is a hectic time for so many and I hope that you have been able to find moments to reflect and celebrate the achievements of 2024.  Was it your first year in business? filled with many challenges, yet you survived. Your first year graduated and remembering what those first new grad days were like 12 months ago and how far you have come. Your 26th year as a vet, considering cool cases and what you might like to learn that is new this year or are you the new grad about to embark on your veterinary journey.  We wish you all the best, there are so many in our profession here to support you, wither through formal programs like the AVA graduate mentoring program or through your own colleagues and networks, we are here to help you thrive in your first year.  

Our first event for the year is focused on our new and recent grads with the topic of Managing Common Emergencies in Practice.  This will be a great chance for some early networking in the year, as well as some great learning to help calm those early day nerves.  Registrations are open and we would love to see you there.  

The AVA and committee are busy putting in submissions for the parliamentary enquiry and you are able to submit you own here or you can submit feedback to the AVA for inclusion in our submission here:  Some excellent recommendations came from the NSW enquiry and this is our chance to have our say.  A busy month for sure!

Dr Catherine Harper