SA Division President's Report - October 2024
30 Sep 2024September has been a busy month and has flown by, how is it October already!?
I had the privilege of attending the SAFE CRC (Solving Antimicrobial Resistance in Agribusiness, Food and Environments) Summit at the National Wine Centre in Adelaide. On first look at the title it might seem a bit dry, yet it was an incredibly interesting event with diversity in the insights across industries.
These ranged from the way the different industries are thinking and addressing the concern around antimicrobial resistance, to possibilities for collaboration and the complete complexity and interconnectedness of the entire challenge.
The standout for me was the impact of change to our production systems on the immunity profiles of many species, which is then necessitating the need to maintain that production system, as it is with the use of antimicrobials. Fascinating and worrying all at the same time. The AVA will continue to work closely with SAFE to ensure that veterinarians have a voice and can actively contribute to potential solutions. Thank you to Dr Mary Carr for the invitation.
The AVA is also excited to be participating in the Pathways to Positive Practice Veterinary Roadshow being held in Adelaide on 16 October and as a 2-day workshop in Robe on 18 and 19 October.
AVA members will be in attendance to network and answer questions as well as gain some insights on what you are looking for from the AVA SA Division Committee. A great opportunity for all to get together and enjoy the great vet community here in SA.
Please reach out with questions, concerns or comment. There is the opportunity to join the committee for anyone who may be interested.
Catherine Harper
SA Division President