AVA submission to the joint standing committee on migration

20 Feb 2023

The AVA would like to see modification to the prerequisite requirements of several visas that suitably qualified veterinarians commonly use to work in Australia to help immediately address the veterinary profession skills shortage. These are the;

  • Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (Subclass 482)
  • Working Holiday Visa (Subclass 417)
  • Work and Holiday Visa (Subclass 462)

We would also like to see an improved pathway for veterinary nurses to achieve permanent residency (PR) and consideration given to increase the age restriction for veterinarians to secure PR.

When we asked you your thoughts about the skills visa (482) 77% of respondents indicated they would welcome the removal of the 2-year experience requirement. Thank you to members who participated in this survey.

The AVA has recently made a submission to the joint standing committee on migration putting forward these recommendations. We would like to thank our colleagues who have written letters of support to the joint standing committee around the AVA’s recommendations. If you would like to read the submission, it can be found here.