AVA Advocacy - Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS) Consultation 2024

28 Aug 2024

Update 1 October

AVA attended a workshop to inform the development of a "National Statement on Animal Welfare" in September 2024. The aim of the statement is to "provide a snapshot of the challenges and opportunities in animal welfare in Australia while cementing a commitment to working towards a vision for sustainable improvements". 

There will be additional engagement opportunities for AVA members in the development of the new AAWS as the government progresses species group chapter development. To stay up to date on progress the AAWS webpage can be found here: Renewal of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS) - DAFF (agriculture.gov.au)

Update 28 August 

DAFF have published the outcome of the first phase of their recent consultation on the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS). An analysis of the stakeholder feedback received by DAFF through this consultation process has been published at www.agriculture.gov.au/haveyoursay/aaws 

The AVA provided an extensive submission to this consultation, and AVA members who expressed an interest became part of the member consultation group and participated in 7 focus group meetings with DAFF. 

DAFF representatives said, “Feedback received through this first round of consultation has provided valuable information to inform the development process and will help shape the renewed AAWS.” 

The AVA has long advocated for national leadership in animal welfare and along with its members looks forward to continuing to be involved in the next steps.  

What happens next?  

This consultation was the first step in an extensive stakeholder engagement process that will take place over the next 3 years.   


15 July 2024

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) has commenced public consultation on the renewing of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS). The renewed strategy will cement a national approach to animal welfare and signal to Australian consumers and international trading partners that animal welfare is a priority for Australia.

The AAWS will include nearly all animals. It will be released in chapters, each dedicated to one of 6 animal groups. The final strategy is expected in 2027. More information is available here.

AVA’s National Manager for Policy and Veterinary Science, Dr Melanie Latter said, “The AVA has been calling for national leadership in animal welfare since the cessation of the former Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS) over a decade ago. We sincerely welcome the current government’s work to reinstate a renewed AAWS and urge the government to ensure this strategy is appropriately resourced and established to be sustainable in the long term, irrespective of changes in government.”

The renewal of the AAWS represents a pivotal opportunity to establish a modern animal welfare system that improves the lives of all animals within Australia. Dr Latter said “Engaging on the AAWS is about bringing AVA member expertise to the table and developing science-based codes of practice and animal welfare standards that have meaningful animal welfare outcomes”. 

As input to the current revision, the AVA has recently completed:

  • A detailed submission – on the AAWS discussion paper. See the AVA’s submission here.
  • 7 focus groups members who expressed an interest have become part of the member consultation group and have recently participated in focus group meetings with DAFF.

AVA AAWS focus groups have included the following areas:  

  • General livestock
  • Aquaculture
  • Companion animals
  • Work, sport, recreation
  • Research and teaching
  • Animals in the wild
  • Previous AAWS participants
  • The AVA will conduct an EOI process when it comes to selecting member representatives for the AAWS Chapters.


Get Involved

Updates and opportunities will be provided as the AAWS revision progresses. If you would like to get involved, or have specific feedback, please send an email to publicvetaffairs@ava.com.au

About the AAWS

The Australian Government committed $5 million over 4 years to the development of the renewed AAWS, with the objective of providing a framework for a national approach to animal welfare in Australia. The development of the renewed AAWS will be jointly led by the Australian, and state and territory governments, informed by your engagement and feedback during consultation.