AVA Submission to the TGA Meloxicam rescheduling

11 Sep 2022

The TGA has made the interim decision “to create a new Schedule 6 entry for meloxicam in oral transmucosal preparations containing 1% or less meloxicam for pre-surgical treatment and pain management in Livestock during routine animal husbandry procedures."

It is the AVA’s view that the Committee and Delegate have based their decision on a number of misconceptions, which we address here in turn:

  1. The assumption that the 1% concentration of the preparation equates to low risk
  2. The conclusion that significant animal welfare benefits outweigh the risks.
  3. The assertion that meloxicam has a well-established safety profile
  4. Inconsistency with decision on injectable meloxicam
  5. Risks of misuse or harm in target and non-target species
  6. Assertion that there are current barriers to access
  7. Assertion that the potential for diversion and inappropriate use is low.

Read the full submission here.