Securing the vets Tasmania needs

04 Jun 2024

In a letter to Minister Howlett, the AVA Tasmanian Division President, Dr Rhianna Booth, has welcomed the election promises of the Liberal government.

Please read the full article here.



A re-elected majority Liberal Government will introduce a new $400,000 Veterinarian Attraction Package to help attract and retain veterinarians in Tasmania with a key focus on rural and regional areas. The Attraction Package, in partnership with the RSPCA, will include:

• A study assistance program for Tasmanians wanting to study to be a veterinarian, including subsidised travel (Tasmania does not have a veterinary school).
• A work placement program and study rotations for second or third-year students, including subsidised travel.
• HECS debt support for new graduates, relocation fees and/or bonus payments linked to tenure in rural and regional areas.

Partnerships with industry sectors will also be examined, including post-graduate scholarship programs. These professional positions are essential for the delivery of animal health and welfare, public health and biosecurity regulatory functions.
It is especially difficult to recruit veterinarians in regional and rural areas, and that challenge is being felt right across the country.