WA Advocacy Report

26 Jul 2023

AVA WA Division President-elect, Dr Katie Kreutz, represented the AVA at the recent Dairy Innovation Day held in Narrikup, hosted by Ravenhill Pastoral. It was a day of learning, growth and great conversations with different stakeholders in the dairy industry. Bonnie Ravenhill spoke about how “the dairy industry is complex with many moving parts. It is unique in its need to marry mechanical and biological processes,” - a statement the vet industry can relate to. It was captivating to hear about another animal industry’s plan for sustainable growth and contingency plans that allow an appetite for risk.

The feedback received from producers, government and dairy support and technical industries was largely supportive of the veterinary profession, our knowledge and skills. There is still so much growing we can do together! We look forward to continuing to support vets who are growing alongside the huge dairy industry. Thanks to many AVA members in attendance and our vets in the Southwest and Great Southern doing incredible work.

AVA advocacy also continues through a recent meeting with Senator Slade Brockman to inform and engage discussion around the critical issues facing the veterinary profession in WA, especially in regional areas and across after-hours emergency services.

DPIRD field veterinary officer Dr Will Janson (left) and Dr Katie Kreutz (right)