Advocacy Update August 2022 – Dr Robyn Whitaker, Governance and Advocacy Officer

23 Aug 2022

Vet Regulations 2022
The AVA Advocacy team, in consultation with the WA Division Committee, placed a submission for the WA Veterinary Regulations 2022 Tranche 2 consultation that was consistent with AVA policies and positions. Included in this submission, the AVA called for the regulation surrounding veterinary students’ prescribed abilities to be changed – in order to allow veterinary students to undertake their prescribed and supervised acts of vet medicine while in an employed role with a vet practice. Further consultation will be undertaken by DPIRD in regards to the new regulations, and the AVA will continue to be informed and involved with this.

BAM Act 2007
DPIRD has also commenced review of the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management. The AVA will provide a response with input from AVA members as the consultation process is progressed.

EAD preparedness and response
The AVA has convened an internal EAD working group. This group has been engaging with all levels of government, providing veterinary information and support as requested and providing input into AUSVETPLANs and the National action plan.

The AVA Emergency Animal Disease site and the associated Lumpy Skin Disease page and Foot and Mouth Disease page contain updates and links to numerous useful resources. These pages will be updated as information comes to hand. We will also continue to keep AVA members informed of our advocacy in this space. Latest updates and resources from DPIRD (WA) and Dr Mark Schipp (Australia’s CVO)

E.canis update - Surveillance has now shown the disease is established in the Kimberley, Pilbara, northern Goldfields and Gascoyne regions of northern WA (see map) and the Northern Territory, and detections have been confirmed in South Australia and Queensland. Nationally it has been agreed that E. canis cannot be eradicated and WA has modified how it regulates E. canis in WA and removed movement controls for dogs moving into or within WA. More information available here.

New Federal Parliament engagement
The AVA are writing to all Federal MPs to highlight issues of concern to the veterinary profession. This is a joint letter from Dr Bronwyn Orr as National President and WA Division President Dr Garnett Hall, outlining local issues, which will include;

  • Enhanced support for the Murdoch University School of Veterinary Science
  • Commonwealth assistance to address veterinary workforce issues in regional areas of WA
  • Enhanced biosecurity arrangements to prevent the establishment and spread of exotic animal diseases in WA by enhancing the role of regional veterinarians
  • A Commonwealth-led program to implement nationally consistent Veterinary legislation, including a shift to full national registration and harmonisation of rules regarding the dispensing and prescribing of veterinary medications

Dr Cristy Secombe (Head of Veterinary and Public Affairs) and Dr Bronwyn Orr visited Canberra this month to meet with Federal Ministers calling for public investment in the veterinary profession, and recognition of the important role veterinarians play in society. Full details can be found in Protecting Australia's animal health industries through future-proofing the veterinary profession.

DAFF Veterinarian campaign
DAFF are running a public awareness campaign that the AVA are fully supportive of;