WA Division President's Article - July 2024

02 Jul 2024

Pictured: Overlooking the Ord River with the future of the profession

Normally I’d be writing this monthly update from the bottom of the state down in Esperance, this time I’m writing from the opposite end of state- Hall’s Creek. Not only has the change in location offered a bit of perspective but the reason for being here – as part of the Murdoch University Final Year spey and neuter program has also opened my eyes to the needs of vets in this great state of WA. 

Many hours of conversations in car rides and across dinner tables has evolved into thought and consideration for “what we want to be when we grow up”. I’ve found it very interesting to hear that so many upcoming vets are keen to enter into mixed practice, but only a small few can be enticed to move away from what is familiar in terms of home, family, friends and even late night shopping. I don’t say that as a criticism, but merely an observation of how the profession is continuing to change and how the need to adapt is critical. But who adapts – the individual or the profession?

To quote Charles Darwin – It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.

Some food for thought.

Speaking of adapting to survive, the WA Division with Senior Advocacy Officer, Robyn Whitaker, have continued to follow up on behalf of members regarding legislation around prescribing and dispensing medications being fit for purpose. Through its survey work and broad base conversations  the WA Division has dived into the sustainability of rural practices and what needs to change to allow their survival.

This is a perfect example of your AVA at work. Of course we have many members in WA, not all of them rural and our priorities for advocacy will continue to evolve with those that lead the division. Similarly those interested in education and networking have the opportunity to join or form a branch in addition to the Southern Rural and Perth South branches and help create opportunities for collegiality and skill development in their local area or area of interest.

I want to thank our colleagues – Dr Susan Beetson, Dr Garnett Hall and Dr Sherrilynn Wakefield who have recently stepped down from the WA Division as part of their own adaptations. Their contributions over the years have been invaluable and I am grateful for their continued guidance.

The next few months will be heavy on planning the WA Conference, an entity which is again adapting and changing. While the Division is having a heavy hand in its planning this year, its soon to be an exciting opportunity for other members, namely those on branches, to make it their own.

As always, I’m always keen for a chat, and if I don’t answer right away, it’s likely because I’m exploring some remote destination in our state and out of phone range.


Katie Kreutz

0449 105 451
