Veterinary nurse and veterinary technician AVNAT registrations due by 30 June 2023

04 Apr 2023


On 19 April 2019, the Veterinary Nurses Council of Australia (VNCA) launched the Australian Veterinary Nurse and Technician Registration Scheme (AVNAT), a voluntary national scheme which lays the foundation for mandatory registration of veterinary nurses and technicians in Australia. The Australasian Veterinary Boards Council’s Sustainable Practice Committee is currently working with the VNCA and the AVNAT Regulatory Council to examine the feasibility of mandatory registration.

In the interim, the AVNAT Scheme acts as a transparent, self-regulation program that sets the standard for veterinary nursing practice in Australia. The AVNAT Scheme aims to ensure registered veterinary nurses and technicians have attained an appropriate level of professional competence, demonstrate a commitment to ongoing learning by completing 20 points of continuing professional development annually and adhere to the VNCA’s Code of Professional Conduct.

This represents a major step forward for veterinary nursing and the quality of veterinary health care in Australia. The VNCA encourages veterinary nurses and technicians to register for the benefit of veterinary patients, clients and the veterinary healthcare team.

Veterinary practices can let their clients know they support registration of veterinary nurses and technicians and/ or employ registered veterinary nurses and technicians. Registrations for the 2023-2024 AVNAT registration cycle are due by 30 June 2023.

If veterinarians or veterinary practices would like to know more about the AVNAT Registration Scheme, please check out the VNCA website. Alternatively, you can contact the VNCA Office via telephone (03 9586 6022) or email