Board nominations are now open - notice of election for position of Director
16 Feb 2024The AVA is seeking nominations for its Board. Can you join a team of leaders and help to steer the profession in the right direction? Here are some tips and information to help you decide if joining the AVA Board might be the right thing for you.
The AVA has nine directors: six are elected directly by the general membership and three are nominated and appointed by the three largest Special Interest Groups (ACV, EVA and ASAV). Each director has a 3-year term, with a maximum of two successive terms. The President, Vice President and Treasurer are elected each year by the Board.
Nominations are invited for three elected positions on the Board of Directors. There are two positions for a 3-year term and one position for a 1-year term from May 2024. These elected positions in 2024 are in addition to a position to be nominated by ASAV for a 3-year term.
What does the Board do?
The Board sets the direction for the AVA, makes strategic decisions and ensures effective risk management.
The Board appoints the Chief Executive Officer and is responsible for managing the CEO’s performance. The CEO is responsible for managing the AVA’s employees and ensuring the Board’s strategy is put into action.
Directors have legal responsibilities for The Australian Veterinary Association Limited (ACN 008 522 852) under the Corporations Act 2001. These include ensuring that the AVA complies with all aspects of the law, risks are managed appropriately, and all parts of the organisation are doing what they should be doing for the benefit of members.
Directors undertake governance training through the Australian Institute of Company Directors to help them understand and fulfil their legal responsibilities.
Who should nominate?
The first requirement is that candidates be a Full member, Life member or Fellow of the AVA. Candidates who have had prior experience as an executive office holder within a Special Interest Group, Division, Board-approved Group or Branch, as a member of the Policy Advisory Council or as a representative of another veterinary professional body recognised by the AVA are eligible to nominate. Equally, Full members, Life members or Fellows who have the skills, experience, or qualifications necessary to hold such an office (e.g., governance, IT, finance, business, or advocacy skills) will also be considered.
With a lot of the work involving the AVA’s groups and committees, communication and teamwork are also key skills to bring to the AVA Board.
How do I nominate?
The Board has a Charter and a Code of Conduct that outline the expectations and operational details of the Board. All election candidates need to agree to abide by the Charter, the Code of Conduct and the AVA Constitution before their nominations are accepted.
You can request a copy of the Director’s information package (including the nomination form) from Peta Bortfield: or 02 9431 5064.
If you have questions, please contact Company Secretary, Michael Ghattas, on 02 9431 5041. Nominations must be received by 21 March 2024.