AVA COVID-19 update - week ending 11th February 2022

11 Feb 2022


We have bought together some information around COVID which you may find helpful to inform your continued management of COVID risk. 

Critical workers 

Queensland – There has been no change in the status in QLD, and we continue to advocate in this area. We encourage veterinarians to contact their local members to let them know how they have been impacted. 

Western Australia – The Western Australian Government views people who deliver veterinary services as critical workers in a very high case load environment. A “very high case load” state has not yet been triggered. 

Face masks 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have released some information on the effectiveness of face masks in indoor public settings.   


Accessed 10th Feb 2022 2022 

If you would like more information click here to read the article in detail. 

Information provided by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry 

The information below contains reminders and information relevant to veterinary businesses provided by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, of which the AVA is a member. 

Public health and social measures (PHSM):  

  • With the emergence of the Omicron variant, PHSM continue to include physical distancing, the use of well-fitting masks (in conjugate indoor settings and outdoors when distancing can’t be maintained), ventilation of indoor spaces, hand hygiene and avoidance of crowds where appropriate.  PHSM measures remain critical to reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2.  
  • Acceptable mask types for use by the general public include reusable, non-medical masks (that comply with standards), or disposable medical masks.  
  • Enhanced surveillance with rapid testing, cluster investigations, contact tracing, isolation of cases and supported quarantine of contacts are strongly advised to interrupt chains of transmission.  
  • PCR tests that include multiple gene targets, as recommended by WHO, should continue to be used to detect SARS-CoV-2 infection, including the Omicron variant.  
  • Protection against reinfection after a past infection may be as low as 19%. A report from the UK Office of National Statistics found that the risk of reinfection was 16 times higher in the Omicron dominant period (20 Dec 2021 to 8 Jan 2022) than the Delta dominant period (17 May 2021 to 19 Dec 2021).  
  • Increased risk of reinfection was also associated with unvaccinated individuals. In addition, those who were asymptomatic during their primary infection were at a higher risk of reinfection. As of now, there is no data on the risk of reinfection with Omicron following a prior Omicron infection.  
  • A pre-print by researchers in Qatar have shown that protection afforded by prior infection in preventing symptomatic reinfection with Omicron was 56%, a drop from around 90% protection against reinfection with Alpha, Beta, or Delta.  
  • PHSM may need to be enhanced to further limit interpersonal contact to control transmission with a more transmissible variant 

Tax Deductibility of COVID-19 Test Expenses  

  • The Government is taking action to ensure that COVID-19 tests (including PCR and RATs) are tax deductible, and exempt from fringe benefit tax for businesses when purchased for work-related purposes.  
  • This will come into effect at the start of the 2021-22 tax year and will be in place permanently. More information available here 
  • Keep your receipts. 

The AVA HR service has put together a series of resources to help you with managing workplace requirements. https://www.ava.com.au/news/new-and-updated-covid-19-resources-for-your-workplace/   and the recent inclusion of HR advice on COVID leave entitlements.


Get the latest updates, resources and information on COVID-19 for the veterinary profession.

In need of emergency help?

Help is available at any time, day or night on Lifeline 13 11 14 and the AVA Counselling Service 1300 687 327.