Critical worker self-isolation exemption granted in NSW

28 Jan 2022

Following extensive lobbying by the AVA, the State Government has updated the list of critical workers who are exempt from certain self-isolation requirements.

"This is a great result for the veterinary profession in NSW and is due in large part to the work of our NSW Division President, Dr Diane Ryan," said Dr Cristy Secombe, AVA Head of Veterinary and Public Affairs.

"It shows that the information gathered in our COVID-19 member survey, coupled with the hard work of our volunteer and staff team, can effect real change for our members," said Dr Secombe.

The new rules mean that veterinary staff who are a close contact of a COVID case or who reside with a diagnosed person are exempt from the requirement to self-isolate in certain circumstances.

The exemption is subject to the following conditions:

  • Critical workers must only attend work if approved by or on behalf of their employer for the purpose of the exemption.
  • Critical workers must travel directly to and from their home and their workplace(s). 
  • Critical workers must wear a mask at all times in the workplace, unless eating or drinking or if the mask needs to be removed for safety reasons.
  • Critical workers must undergo regular rapid antigen tests (RATs) for a period of 7 days from when they last had contact with the diagnosed person, and must notify their employer of each result.
  • Any person who tests positive for COVID-19 following a RAT must immediately self-isolate for 7 days under clause 6 of the Order.
  • Notwithstanding a negative RAT result, if a critical worker develops any symptoms of COVID-19, they must immediately self-isolate and may only return to work with evidence of a negative PCR test taken after the onset of symptoms.
  • Critical workers must comply with any other reasonable measures put in place by their employer to minimise the risk of transmission of COVID-19.

Further information can be found on the NSW Government COVID-19 website here.


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