WA Covid Safe Plan example template for Veterinary Practices
24 Jan 2022As we continue to deal with the spread of COVID-19 in the community, it’s important that you and your practice are prepared. Covid Safe Plans assist with this, outlining a number of measures that you may take to manage the risks.
The situation in the Eastern states is being closely monitored and we have a good opportunity to learn from our colleagues over there. If you have any suggestions please let us know.
There are COVID-19 resources available on the AVA website including the infection prevention and the FAQ sections.
Following is an example guide that you may find helpful and can be adapted to your Practice’s individual situation.
Review your plan regularly to ensure you have implemented the best measures possible.
WA Covid Safe Plan example guide for Veterinary Practices; January 2022
- Practice social distancing and good hygiene (use the alcohol hand rub) as much as possible.
- Masks to be worn at all times when indoors.
- Screen clients by reception staff when making an appointment, and attendance limited to clients who are fully vaccinated (or otherwise compliant with government requirements) and free from symptoms of Covid.
- Wherever possible, reduce client contact. This includes minimising the number of clients with each animal, as well as generally limiting their access beyond the reception area, consult rooms and other relevant areas. Clients may be asked to wait outside the clinic.
- See animals in the most spacious environment possible.
- Employees do not come to work if experiencing flu-like symptoms, particularly coughing or a sore throat. Get tested for Covid ASAP (Testing locations are listed on the WA Health website)
- Signage be placed at all entrances reminding clients not to enter if they feel unwell or have any reason to suspect they may be capable of transmitting Covid (use social media to remind clients not to attend the practice, but to call for a teleconsult in these circumstances).
- Implement an enhanced environmental cleaning regime in line with AVA recommendations.
- Eat lunch and take breaks outside if possible.