LSD and FMD update - 24 June 2022
24 Jun 2022- No recent comprehensive updates due to the foot and mouth disease (FMD) outbreak in Indonesia
- The Australian government is working with international vaccine providers to identify viable vaccination options for LSD.
- A National LSD action plan is in place and the AVA is a stakeholder in working groups that are contributing to the preparedness plan. Activities within the plan include:
- Development of national LSD diagnostic capacity
- Establishing a national LSD surveillance strategy to ensure early detection of LSD incursion and support demonstration of evidence of absence of LSD. This includes developing surveillance strategy for free roaming cattle populations and insect vector monitoring programs.
- Developing accurate epidemiological modelling for LSD
- Reviewing the AUSVETPLAN LSD strategy
- Vaccination strategy – identification of suitable vaccination and the process for approval, as well as the strategy to be applied in an outbreak.
- Communication is important to ensure appropriate preparedness amongst animal health professionals, industry and producers and includes
- Along with the national working groups ( government and industry) most states have LSD/FMD working groups to progress state preparedness activities. The AVA is a stakeholder in these working groups.