Veterinary Immunobiologicals- Have your say by the 20th of May

30 Apr 2024

DAFF are reviewing Australia’s import policy for veterinary immunobiologicals (including vaccines).

The AVI (Industry) Special Interest Group is the lead group for this submission. They have some questions for the wider profession to help inform the submission.

DAFF has produced an issues paper that provides further detail – which can be found on the Have Your Say website.

If you would like to provide feedback, please answer the following questions by COB 20th May. Please provide answers via this survey.


  • As a veterinarian, veterinary practice or researcher have you have attempted to import veterinary vaccines into Australia e.g., unregistered products? 
  • In your capacity as a veterinarian and/or researcher working with any species, could you identify products that might be available overseas but are not available in Australia? Are there examples where attempts have been made to import products (import permit applications) that have been unsuccessful?
  • If you are a researcher do you have examples of novel manufacturing technologies and/or immunobiological products that you think should be recognised in Australia’s biosecurity policies? 
  • Are there any pathogen species associated with imports of veterinary immunobiologicals that have not been listed by the department? These pathogens are listed in Appendix A  of the issues paper– pg 18-21
  • In your capacity as a veterinarian and/or researcher what changes have you seen in demand for immunobiological products in Australia or overseas? What are the drivers for this change in demand? 

    Complete the survey here.