Calling All AVA Members: Contribute to Victoria's Biosecurity Legislation Consultation

30 Jan 2025

Dear AVA Members,

The Victorian Government is seeking public input to strengthen its biosecurity legislation, aiming to enhance protections for agriculture, public health, animal welfare, and market access. This consultation represents a key opportunity for our community to influence policies that directly affect our profession and the broader ecosystem.

Why Your Input Matters

As veterinary professionals, we hold unique expertise in tackling biosecurity challenges and implementing solutions. Our insights are vital in shaping legislation that is both effective and practical. By contributing to this consultation, we can ensure the veterinary community's perspectives are heard, paving the way for strong and inclusive biosecurity measures.

How to Get Involved

  1. Review the Consultation Materials
    Familiarise yourself with the proposed legislative changes and the specific areas where feedback is sought. Detailed information is available on the Victorian Government’s engagement platform.
    Visit the Victorian Government consultation page
  2. Submit Written Feedback to AVA
    Given the short timelines, we are collecting written feedback from members to inform our collective submission to the Victorian Government. We encourage members to provide:
    • Specific concerns or recommendations regarding the proposed legislative changes
    • Examples of how changes might impact veterinary practice or biosecurity efforts
    • Suggestions for improvements based on your professional experience
  3. Feedback should be clear, concise, and evidence-based wherever possible.

Key Areas for Feedback

While all feedback is valuable, we particularly encourage members to focus on areas where veterinary expertise is critical:

  • Disease Prevention and Control: Do the proposed measures adequately address disease prevention and management in animals?
  • Wildlife Biosecurity: Are the provisions related to interactions between domestic animals and wildlife sufficient to mitigate risks?
  • Infection Control Protocols: Do the proposed frameworks align with best practices and remain feasible across different veterinary settings?

Relevant Documents for You to Review

To assist with your review and feedback, we’ve compiled a list of key AVA policies and guidelines that align with biosecurity issues addressed in the consultation:

  1. Quarantine and Risk Assessment
  2. National Wildlife Biosecurity Guidelines
  3. Priorities for Australia's Biosecurity System
  4. Guidelines for Veterinary Personal Biosecurity
  5. Code for Infection Control
  6. BIOCHECK® Program
  7. Marketing Biosecurity Policy and Procedure
  8. Practical Infection Control Guidelines

We encourage you to review these resources to inform your feedback.


The consultation period is open from 28 January 2025 to 28 February 2025. To ensure your contributions are included in the AVA’s submission, please submit your written feedback by 17 February 2025. This will allow us sufficient time to collate responses and develop a cohesive submission on behalf of AVA members.

Your Voice, Our Impact

Together, we can drive meaningful change. By engaging in this consultation, we reaffirm our commitment to advancing veterinary science and protecting the health of animals, people, and the environment.

Please send your feedback to by Monday 17 February 2025.
You can also make your own submission to the Victorian Government.

Thank you for your dedication and active participation.