Comments invited on measures to enhance horse welfare in WA

27 Oct 2022


The WA Government is calling for input from the WA community and organisations to improve the health and welfare of horses in our State.

The State Government has released the draft Standards and Guidelines for the Health and Welfare of Horses in Western Australia for public comment.

The document sets out the minimum standards for owners and people in charge of horses to follow to ensure the health and welfare of horses in their care.

It also provides guidelines and additional information to further promote positive animal welfare outcomes.

The document encompasses:

  • general care, including health and management
  • the conditions under which horses are kept and handled
  • events
  • natural disasters

Feedback will help:

  • provide an understanding of community expectations regarding the care of horses and
  • identify how compliance with the standards may impact people, businesses and horses in WA.

The AVA is seeking input from members that will inform the AVA submission on this matter.

What you can do:

  • Help the AVA submission – forward your comments to Robyn Whitaker,, Governance and Advocacy Officer, by Monday 28 November 2022.