Consultation - Draft NSW Biosecurity and Food Safety Strategy 2022-2030

22 Jul 2022

The consultation draft of the NSW Biosecurity and Food Safety Strategy 2022-2030 has been informed by the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) consultation and engagement with key stakeholders, including the AVA.

The draft strategy seeks to build on, and supplement existing strategies and plans, while recognising that NSW operates within a national framework to strengthen the national biosecurity and food safety systems. Specifically, the purpose of the strategy is to:

  • Set a clear vision for biosecurity and food safety in NSW
  • Map strategic objectives for Government, industry, and the community, and
  • Mark key activities to guide prioritisation, decision-making and actions at the state level.

Recognising the interactions between people, plants, animals, the food we eat, and our environment, the consultation draft has been developed to draw on the concept of ‘One Health’ to deliver optimal biosecurity and food safety outcomes, and contribute to the states' economic, social, and environmental prosperity.

Strong and effective biosecurity and food safety is essential to the continued wellbeing of people in NSW, the prosperity of our economy and communities, productivity and profitability of primary and food industries, the safety and sustainability of our food systems, and the health of our ecosystems.

AVA Members are encouraged to review the draft strategy and provide feedback directly to DPI and/or to AVA to incorporate into its submission. Please provide any feedback to inform the AVA submission to AVA Senior Advocacy Officer at by 9.00am Monday 22 August 2022.