Consultation - Tasmanian Animal Welfare Amendment Bill

22 Jun 2022

The Tasmanian Government has released an Animal Welfare Amendment Bill for consultation. 

A copy of the Draft bill can be downloaded here

Key amendments within the Draft Bill seek to support and further strengthen the provisions under the Animal Welfare Act 1993 (the Act) for the enforcement and prosecution of animal welfare offences in Tasmania.

The Draft Bill is focussed on eleven important areas in the Act. The key amendment proposals include:

  1. Expanded meaning of ‘disposal’ and consequential amendments.
  2. Reversing the onus of proof so that an animal is assumed to belong to the person named as the owner in any animal welfare complaint unless proven otherwise.
  3. Animal research clarifications.
  4. Animal cruelty and aggravated cruelty – correction and alternative verdict option.
  5. Ban on pronged collars.
  6. Expanded officer powers of entry.
  7. Expanded officer powers to take possession of animals.
  8. Additional Magistrates orders – seizure and disposal of animals at risk.
  9. Faster disposal of carcasses.
  10. Extraterritorial application for the purposes of requiring information.
  11. Early cost recovery for care of seized animals.

At this time feedback is only being sought on the draft amendments, and feedback on changes to the regulations and guidelines is not being invited in this round of public consultation and will be sought in subsequent revisions of the regulations.

Feedback can be made in two ways:

  1. Independent submissions can be made via the NRE website. Submissions are open until the close of business on 20 July 2022.
  2. AVA submission contribution: feedback is being sought from AVA Members to inform the AVA submission by 9.00am Monday 11 July 2022 to Dr Kristen Steele (AVA Senior Advocacy Officer) at