Consultation for Inquiry into Pounds in NSW
25 Jul 2023Member feedback is requested on the Inquiry into Pounds in NSW. Feedback will inform the AVA submission and can be provided to, Senior Advocacy Officer, by Sunday 13 August 2023.
The Upper House committee is undertaking an inquiry by examining pounds in NSW looking at the adequacy of resourcing for pounds as well as the state of their buildings and facilities.
The Inquiry Committee will investigate and report on the following Terms of Reference (TOR):
(a) resourcing challenges affecting New South Wales pounds, including the adequacy of funding given towards the operation of pounds by local and state governments
(b) the adequacy of pound buildings and facilities in New South Wales
(c) welfare challenges facing animals in pounds across New South Wales, including the provision of housing, bedding, feeding, exercise, enrichment, veterinary treatment, vaccination and desexing
(d) the adequacy of the laws, regulations and codes governing New South Wales pounds, including the Companion Animals Act 1998 (NSW) and the NSW Animal Welfare Code of Practice No 5 – Dogs and cats in animal boarding establishments (1996), as well as the adequacy of the current enforcement and compliance regime
(e) factors influencing the number of animals ending up in New South Wales pounds, and strategies for reducing these numbers
(f) euthanasia rates and practices in New South Wales pounds, including the adequacy of reporting of euthanasia rates and other statistics
(g) the role and challenges of behavioural assessments in New South Wales pounds
(h) the relationship between New South Wales pounds and animal rescue organisations
(i) the challenges associated with the number of homeless cats living in New South Wales for both pounds and animal rescue organisations, and strategies for addressing this issue
(j) strategies for improving the treatment, care and outcomes for animals in New South Wales pounds
(k) any other related matter.
As part AVA submission addressing the inquiry TORs, we will also in TOR (k) ‘any other related matter’ be reiterating AVA advocacy regarding the issues experienced by veterinary practices when receiving stray dogs and cats. Please refer to AVA recent advocacy regarding strays in the:
• AVA NSW Election Platform that raised as a key priority to the NSW Government the issues of pounds and strays,
• AVA submission to the NSW Rehoming Practices Review highlighting that veterinary practices are frequently the entry point for strays and the associated issues, and
• The results from the AVA survey of veterinary practices regarding strays and engagement with pounds.
AVA Members are encouraged to review and provide feedback on the Inquiry TOR and AVA previous representations regarding strays to inform the AVA submission to AVA Senior Advocacy Officer at by Sunday 13 August 2023. AVA Members are encouraged to also make their own individual submissions to the inquiry by the 18 August 2023.