Consultation: NSW Inquiry into the operation of the approved charitable organisations under the POCA Act

18 Jan 2024

Member feedback is requested on the NSW Inquiry onto the operation of the approved charitable organisations under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979. Feedback will inform the AVA submission and can be provided to AVA Senior Advocacy Officer Liz Gemes at, by Sunday 11 February 2023.


The Inquiry Committee will inquire into and report on the following Terms of Reference (TOR):

  1. That Portfolio Committee No. 4 – Regional NSW annually inquire into and report on the operation of the charitable organisations approved under s 34B of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979, and in particular:

(a) the matters contained in the annual reports of the approved charitable organisations, including their financial statements

(b) the exercise by the approved charitable organisations of their compliance and enforcement functions under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979

(c) any other related matters.

2. That the committee commence its annual inquiry following the publication of the annual reports of the approved charitable organisations and report by the end of the financial year.


The AVA submission intends to provide comment on:

  • TOR 1b: the exercise by the approved charitable organisations of their compliance and enforcement functions under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979. (Please note our recent representations on this matter to the Inquiry into Veterinary Workforce Shortages in NSW and Inquiry into Pounds in NSW.)  
  • The 2022 Inquiry report recommendation: That the NSW Government fund the procurement of additional mobile veterinary clinics, and consider funding the ongoing costs of running the mobile veterinary clinics, for both of the approved charitable organisations in recognition of the vital roles these clinics play in disaster relief efforts and in improving animal welfare outcomes in rural and regional New South Wales.


AVA Members are encouraged to review and provide feedback on the Inquiry TOR to inform the AVA submission to AVA Senior Advocacy Officer at by Sunday 11 February 2024. AVA Members are encouraged to also make their own individual submissions to the inquiry by the 20 February 2024.