Consultation on migration rules

03 May 2024

The Federal Government released its Migration Strategy in December last year. As part of the strategy, they are moving towards three immigration pathways for occupations on the skills priority list:

  1. Specialist Skills pathway (salary over $135,000)
  2. Core Skills pathway (salary above $70,000 and below $135,000)
  3. Skills in Demand pathway (salary under $70,000).

The government is also revising the way it works with and develops its skilled migration lists. The draft Core Skilled Occupations List (CSOL) has been released for public consultation. Details can be found on the Jobs and Skills Australia website. While the consultation material indicates that veterinarian occupation is likely to remain on the list, veterinary nurses have been identified as an occupation for targeted consultation.

The AVA is preparing a formal submission and Members are invited to provide feedback on this. 

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