Consultation on WA Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act)

08 Jun 2023

Member feedback is sought on the WA Government discussion paper. Feedback will inform the AVA submission and can be provided to, Senior Advocacy Officer, by 19th June 2023.

The Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act) is one of WA’s most important pieces of legislation as it provides the means to address harmful pests and diseases that can affect Western Australia's industries, the environment and our lifestyle.

The independent panel reviewing this Act has heard from as many people and groups as possible from all parts of WA to understand how the BAM Act could be improved for our State. It has also looked at how other states in Australia have improved their biosecurity legislation over time.

As the panel nears the end of its review, it is seeking input for the Stage 3 comment period. More detail is available from the submission and survey portal which can be accessed here including the Stage 3 Discussion paper.

This is your chance to be involved with Biosecurity and Agriculture Management in WA. What you can do:

  • Help the AVA submission – forward your comments to by 19th June 2023
  • Make your own submission to DPIRD by 5pm Friday 30th June 2023