EOI for NSW Veterinary Practitioners Board Member Appointments
11 Mar 2024The current term for the New South Wales Veterinary Practitioners Board is set to conclude on June 30, 2024. Steps to nominate and appoint new members to the Board are underway. Board members are appointed for a three-year term by the Governor of NSW.
The Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) is inviting Expressions of Interest (EOI) from its Members to assemble a panel of recommended nominees for the NSW Veterinary Practitioners Board Member positions for the categories of Urban, Rural, and Specialist Veterinarians.
The NSW Veterinary Practitioners Board (Board) consists of eight members. There are six veterinarian members and two members representing consumers of veterinary services. The Minister will select members from the following groups:
- Three veterinarians for each of the following categories, selected from a panel of recommended nominations from the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) NSW Division:
o Urban area veterinarians
o Rural area veterinarians
o Specialist veterinarians - One veterinarian to represent academics in the field of veterinary science from a panel prepared by the University of Sydney and Charles Sturt University.
- Ministerial selections:
o Two members who are veterinarians
o Two members who are non-veterinarians to represent consumers of veterinary services
To Apply
To provide an EOI for the three veterinary Board positions recommended by the AVA, please send the AVA the following information:
- Your Name and credentials
- Identify the VPB position you are interested in (Urban, Rural, or Specialist)
- A brief statement outlining:
o why you are interested in the role and what skills/experience you bring to the position to support the Veterinary Practitioners Board to meet its legislative functions,
o any previous board memberships, and experience in working within a legislative and/or policy framework. - A copy of your Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Declaration of interest (if any)
Please send your EOI to AVA Senior Advocacy Officer, Liz Gemes at Liz.Gemes@ava.com.au by Sunday 7 April 2024.
Please note this AVA EOI and nomination process will be conducted in adherence with the AVA Policy and Procedure for AVA Representation on External Committees and Working Groups.
Board Functions
The Board is an independent state government body corporate established under the Veterinary Practice Act 2003 (Act). It is responsible for registering veterinary practitioners, licencing veterinary hospitals, and investigating complaints about the practice of veterinary science in NSW. The Act (s 79) outlines the functions of the Board:
a) to register veterinary practitioners and licence veterinary hospitals
b) to investigate complaints against veterinary practitioners
c) to take disciplinary action against veterinary practitioners
d) to enforce the provisions of this Act and the regulations, including to take proceedings for offences against this Act or the regulations
e) to develop codes of professional conduct for veterinary practitioners
f) to co-operate with other jurisdictions in Australia and New Zealand to further a common and harmonious approach to the administration of legislation relating to veterinary practitioners
g) to provide information to the veterinary profession relating to continuing education issues, developments in the field of veterinary science and disciplinary matters
h) to provide general advice to consumers of veterinary services with respect to the ethics and standards of professional competence that are generally expected of veterinary practitioners
i) to provide advice to the Minister with respect to any other matter in connection with the administration of this Act
j) to promote, provide for or facilitate the professional development of veterinary practitioners, including by determining the requirements for continuing professional development of veterinary practitioners
k) to provide, if practicable, scholarships for veterinary study
l) to liaise with and, if considered by the Board to be appropriate, to become a member of, professional organisations concerned with veterinary science.
The Board is responsible for producing an annual report for the Minister to present to the Parliament of NSW in accordance with the Annual Reports (Statutory Bodies) Act 1984.
Board meetings are held each month (typically 3rd Tuesday) except January. You should plan a commitment of 2 days per month with one full day of reading and one full day for the meeting.
As a member of the Board you will be required to serve on the Complaints Committee for a period of 12-18 months (not necessarily continuous). This committee also meets the day before the Board meeting. Again, you should plan a commitment of 2 days per month for this task; one half day for the meeting and one to one and one half days for reading.
President of the Board - $29,660.51 per annum
Board Members - $9,124.92 per annum
Chair of the Complaints Committee - $18,250.89 per annum + Board Member fee
Members of the Complaints Committee - $9,124.92 per annum + Board Member fee
The Board will cover travel and accommodation expenses associated with meetings for all members.
Appointment process
- The AVA are calling for EOIs to form a panel of recommended nominations in the three categories of urban, rural and specialist veterinarians.
- The Department of Primary Industries will review the AVA recommended nominees and make recommendations to the Minister for their selection.
- The successful applicants will be appointed to the new Board by the Governor of NSW.
Further Information
For further information about the AVA EOI and nomination process please contact AVA Senior Advocacy Officer, Liz Gemes at Liz.Gemes@ava.com.au
For more information about the Board please contact the VPB office at admin@vpb.nsw.gov.au