EOI for veterinary representative on ACT Animal Welfare Advisory Committee

06 Jan 2025

A vacancy has become available on the ACT Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (AWAC) for a person nominated by the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA). The position is occupied by an AVA nomination basis with the successful candidate being appointed by the Minister for City Services for a period of up to three years.

The AWAC is a statutory body established under the Animal Welfare Act 1992 as a Ministerial advisory committee representing community views on animal welfare in the ACT. The AWAC’s purpose is to facilitate the development of a balanced and coordinated approach to animal welfare matters and to provide advice to the Minister on animal welfare issues.

The specific functions are:

  • to advise the Minister on any matter relating to existing or proposed legislation affecting the welfare of animals;
  • to investigate and advise the Minister on any matter, policy or practice affecting the welfare of animals;
  • to participate, in conjunction with the Animal Welfare Authority, in the development of codes of practice relating to animals and their welfare and to review and recommend existing codes where appropriate;
  • to provide advice to government and non-government bodies on programs to improve community awareness about animals and their humane treatment; and
  • to provide the Directorate with a copy of the minutes of each AWAC meeting and to report annually to the Minister on the activities and achievements of the Committee. The Committee has an annual work plan that it delivers in agreement with the Minister for City Services, with a focus on developing Codes of Practice and providing advice on relevant and emerging issues.

The membership of the AWAC is representative of the major interests in animals and animal welfare in the ACT, with each position required to meet the criteria set out in the Animal Welfare (Advisory Committee) Establishment 2020

Committee Meetings

Committee meetings are held monthly for approximately 2 hours, with a combination of face-to-face and virtual meetings (no meeting held in January). Committee members are remunerated under section 10 of the Remuneration Tribunal Act 1995 in accordance with Determination 18 of 2023 at a rate of $525 per diem for committee members.

Committee members are also expected to contribute to the review and development of Codes of Practice, Standards and Guidelines, and other AWAC business outside of scheduled meetings to meet the obligations and functions of the Committee.

To Apply

To apply please send the AVA an EOI with the following:

  • Your Name and credentials
  • A brief (max 500word) statement outlining why you are interested in the role and what skills/experience you bring to the position
  • A copy of your Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Declaration of interest (if any)

Please send your EOI to AVA Senior Advocacy Officer, Liz Gemes at Liz.Gemes@ava.com.au by Thursday 23 January 2025.

Please note this AVA EOI and nomination process will be conducted in adherence with the AVA Policy and Procedure for AVA Representation on External Committees and Working Groups.