Expressions of interest open for veterinary wellness steering group

22 Jul 2022


We are inviting members and interested stakeholders with *lived experience in mental health, to form our new veterinary wellness steering group.

This group will be a skills-based committee of up to six stakeholders, and an AVA staff member, who will support the AVA Board and management to successfully deliver our THRIVE wellness initiatives. 

The immediate project activities that the steering group will be involved with are: 

  • Development of an industry-specific mental health framework and suicide prevention strategy in collaboration with SuperFriend
  • Wellness roundtable planning and facilitation in October 2022
  • Review of a proposed VET2VET peer support program pilot  

Expression of interest applications will close on Friday the 5th of August 2022.

Please review the steering committee guidelines and reference documents here prior to submitting your EOI to


*Lived experience is an individual’s experience of mental ill-health and the journey of recovery - either their own or in support of others. It acknowledges the unique insights, knowledge and opportunities lived experience provides and differentiates between the lived experiences all people have, and those uniquely informed by life changing mental health challenges.