Expressions of interest for the AVA Workforce Sustainability Working Group (WSWG)

24 Oct 2022

Expressions of interest are encouraged to fill two vacancies for the AVA Workforce Sustainability Working Group (WSWG).

The WSWG’s purpose is to assist in improving the sustainability of the veterinary workforce and the wellbeing of all veterinarians by bringing veterinary experience to assist in recommendations to the AVA Board on:

  • Mental wellbeing
  • Occupational stress
  • Financial stress

The WSWG meets quarterly and aims for diversity of demographics to represent as broadly as possible the views and experiences of the profession as well as to represent the different veterinary disciplines.

The current vacancies are appropriate for early career stage veterinarians in any veterinary discipline and any location across Australia.

You are warmly welcomed to submit an expression of interest by Friday 11th November to:

Please include why you are interested in being part of the working group.

As the WSWG members are appointed by the AVA Board, your expression of interest will be forwarded to the board for consideration in this round.

Thank you in advance for your contribution to the veterinary profession.