Expressions of Interest to review and update the resource “Dangerous dogs – a sensible solution”

06 Mar 2024

Dangerous dogs – a sensible solution” is a resource that was developed in 2012 to discuss and suggest a legislative approach to address dogs that are dangerous to humans. As it is now over 10 years since the resource has been developed a review and update is required.

The project would require:

  • Reviewing and updating the current document to include new scientific evidence that has come to light in the intervening 10 years
  • Review of current legislation and updating the document if there have been changes within any jurisdictions.
  • Developing content for a 2 page Fact Sheet that could complement the document and provide an overall summary

The AVA is looking for an individual with subject matter expertise in this area to undertake this review. A budget has been allocated to this project and the work would be contracted. It is estimated this would require a commitment of 30-40 hours in total.

If you are interested  and wish to submit an expression of interest please contact for selection criteria.  Applications close 8th April 2024