Have Your Say: ANZSCO Consultation Round 4

23 Aug 2024

Every occupation in Australia is described within a standardised framework: the ANZSCO classification system. ANZSCO stands for Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations and is a data set within the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).  

This framework allows occupational data to be collected, stored, analysed, and disseminated to create an occupational coding system. This system informs and shapes governments, industries, and businesses in areas such as educational pathways, skilled migration programs, and workforce strategies.   

The ABS has been undertaking a comprehensive review of the classification to reflect the contemporary Australian labour market and better meet stakeholders' needs. The purpose is to produce reliable occupation-based statistics where occupational classification is well structured, clearly defined, comparable, robust, and representative. 

Consultation occurred during 2023. The ABS has now released the results of this and is seeking feedback on proposed classification changes.

As part of the 2023 consultation, the AVA provided a comprehensive submission explaining that we believed the classification of '2347 Veterinarians' was inaccurate and that a more accurate definition and description of skills to reflect the veterinary profession's regulation, standards, and value to society were needed.

On 30 July 2024, ANZSCO released the draft revised ANZSCO structure. This has moved veterinarians from ‘2347 Veterinarians under Natural and Physical Science Professionals' to ‘2664 Veterinarians under 266 Dental, Paramedic and Other Health Professionals'. 

The AVA supports this change as it more accurately reflects the veterinary profession's regulation and responsibility for animal health, welfare, and public health. The ANZSCO framework underpins jobs in Australia and plays a pivotal part in workforce and talent strategies, learning and development, and policy.


The AVA will provide a submission supporting the Consultation Round 4, which closes on 6 September.

Members are welcome to give feedback:

  1. Directly to ANZSCO: ANZSCO Providing feedback by 6 September 2024.
  2. As part of the AVA submission by emailing comments to: publicvetaffairs@ava.com.au by 2 September 2024.


What's next?

  • The AVA will put in a submission by the consultation deadline.
  • ANZSCO will review all submissions.
  • The updated classification will be released in December 2024, in time for use by the 2026 Census and allow more accurate data to be collected over time, such as earnings, hours and jobs.