Have your say around national biosecurity funding sustainability

04 Nov 2022


Recently the  National Biosecurity Strategy was released.  The National Biosecurity Strategy has one of its priority areas as ‘sustainable investment’ and in the recent federal budget a further $134.1 million was invested in the biosecurity sector, which is a good start. 

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry is seeking feedback on practical changes that could be made to develop a sustainable funding model for Australia’s biosecurity system.

A strong biosecurity protects the Australian economy, environment and the agriculture system, all of which significantly impact the veterinary profession.

Australia’s biosecurity system is facing increasing pressure to manage risks. To meet these challenges, our biosecurity systems need to be strengthened with sustainable resources and long-term funding.

To have your say, visit: https://haveyoursay.agriculture.gov.au/sustainable-biosecurity-funding

Members who wish to contribute to the AVA submission, please submit comments to publicvetaffairs@ava.com.au by 14 November 2022.